Wednesday, September 24, 2003

"The Impact of Media on Society "

In response to V. Goodrum

On September 18, 2003, Vanessa asked: “if it were not for the media, would women still be as obsessed with their outward appearance?” (

I believe not. The meaning of being “attractive and desirable” would be completely different. Take for example the imposed social norm of using make-up. Why is it that the true face of a women cannot be shown or at least seems to be unattended if she doesn’t use make-up? Men don’t need to worry about this.

The cosmetic industry is so big and powerful it continues to come out with new products to supposedly make women look younger and ‘prettier’ and they make sure they are shown everywhere. It is like a women’s trap. To be socially accepted as a ‘complete woman’ she needs to look in a special way. As if the looks could make the person.


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